Kerülj beljebb! Jó helyen vagy!
Te most a ingyenes videós csatornájára érkeztél, melyen végre a valódi nyelvtanulás van a középpontban. Ne feledd, hogy ez mindössze egy pici kóstoló. A komplett videós tanfolyamokat ide kattintva találod. Ne aggódj! Ez egy magolásmentes övezet. Magyar nyelvtanulóknak magyar nélkül! Érezd jól magad!
Jó tanulást! Jó hogy itt vagy!
Ez itt a Webangol24, mely a nap 24 órájában elérhető és mostantól folyamatosan frissül.
Támogatója: a Webangolive online angol nyelvórák, melyek a Webangol24 nyelvi videóival maximálisan kiegészítik egymást.
Bátorítalak, hogy vegyél részt az online, élő nyelvórákon is, hiszen itt végre tűpontosan a megfelelő nyelvi módszert kapod készhez, nem vagy egyedül, mert erősen fogjuk a kezed, együtt tanulunk és végre vége a haszontalan magolás-fordításnak.
Helyette mind a két csatornán az angol nyelvé a főszerep. Plusz ki sem kell mozdulnod otthonról, csak élned kell a lehetőséggel.
Ne feledd!
A nyelvtanulásnál a legfontosabb a nyelvi módszer, és hogy pontosan hogyan tanulsz a tanórákon és otthon!
Enélkül csak időpazarlás a tanfolyam.
Nálunk szó szerint minden megvan egy helyen. Pontos útmutatót és vezetést kapsz a tanórákon és az otthoni tanulásban azért, hogy időt spórolj és célirányosan azzal foglalkozz, ami a legfontosabb.
Minden felesleges tevékenységet, mely nem a nyelvtanulásról szól, melyet a tanfolyamok 97%-a használ, kitakarítottunk az angol nyelvtanulásból.
Ettől vagyunk teljesen egyedülállóak a mai magyar nyelvoktatásban.
Itt letisztult és egyszerű nyelvi módszer vár téged. Érdemes velünk tartanod, hiszen az angol nyelvre előbb-utóbb szükséged lesz és hirtelen kell elővenned az angol nyelvtudásod.
Ehhez pedig előre kell gondolkodni és időben elkezdeni az angol nyelvtanulást.
Ezen az oldalon találod a saját gyártású online videó nyelvtanfolyam sorozatait. A videótár mostantól folyamatosan bővül.
Ha már velem tanulsz az élő nyelvtanfolyamokon, akkor tudod, milyen élvezet a beszédközpontú módszerrel tanulni és már ki van alakulva az ehhez szorosan kapcsolódó tanulási kultúrád, hiszen kialakítottuk együtt a tanórákon.
Ez a legelső és legfontosabb! Ez a videós tananyag sorozat tökéletes kiegészítése annak.
Ha még nem tanulsz a tanfolyamainkon, akkor ne halogasd, mert magad ellen dolgozol, kezdj bele bátran most! Itt pedig belekóstolhatsz a valódi és hatékony nyelvtanulásba, mely a nyelvi készségeken alapszik (hallás-értés, beszéd, olvasás, írás).
Tökéletes tananyag sorozat bármilyen nyelvhasználathoz, külföldi munkához, utazáshoz, nyelvvizsgához, iskolai vizsgához.
Máris elkezdheted az angol nyelvtanulást a következő mini-videó csomaggal, melyek rendkívül gazdagok nyelvi komponensekben (szókincs+nyelvtan).
Ezt a csomagot szeretni fogod!
Végre megtapasztalhatod, milyen az eredeti nyelvtanulás. Megújulsz, aktív vagy és ezt mások is látják rajtad.
Hitted volna?
Ezeket a tananyag videókat kizárólag ezen az oldalon éred el, csakis itt találhatók meg, sehol máshol. Korlátlanul elérheted, tanulhatsz belőle a nap 24 órájában, az év 365 napján. Bónusz nyelvtanulási útmutatóval. Koppints a piros pontra, ezután előbukkan az útmutató és már olvashatod, tanulhatod is!
Kezdj bele bátran most ebbe az egyedi, jó hangulatú, exkluzív hasznos videós nyelvtanfolyamba! Tanulj aktívan örömmel és kikapcsolódva, görcsölés nélkül.
Jó tanulást, eredményes fejlődést kívánok.
Szikora Rita – a videós nyelvtanfolyamod menedzsere, angol nyelvtanár, a szerzője.
- Mielőtt megnézed a videókat, olvasd el ezt az útmutatót elejétől a végéig. Az alapos tájékozódás mindennél többet ér.
- A következő angol nyelvű videók neked, a nyelvtanulónak készültek abból a célból, hogy hatékonyan elsajátítsd eme témakörök legfőbb nyelvi tartalmait.
A videók 1,5 és 3,5 perc közötti hosszúságúak. Ez ideális időtartam az aktív tanuláshoz és elsajátításhoz.
A videók rövidségük ellenére nagyon tartalmasak, rengeteg nyelvi komponenst tartalmaznak (szókincs, nyelvtan).
Így azt tanácsolom, először nézd őket végig egyszer.
Ne állítsd meg a videókat, nézd meg az elejétől a végéig mindegyiket. Ekkor kapsz egy nagy képet (big picture) a fő témakörről (Seasons). Így könnyebben befogadod, majd elsajátítod egyenként a kisebb témaköröket a videók formájában ezután. - Kezdd el feldolgozni egyenként a videókat. Nézz meg egyet, majd újra és újra.
Mindenképpen úgy fog beépülni a hétköznapi nyelvezetedbe, ami azt jelenti, hogy elsajátítod, hogy ha többször megnézed, egymás után, napi szinten.
Azt hogy hányszor nézed meg, rád bízom.
Ami fontos, hogy ha elfáradsz, tarts szünetet, frissülj fel.
Ne feledd, az angol nyelvtanulás öröm és nem kényszeres, görcsös cselekvés. Csak úgy sajátítod el az angol nyelvet, ha örömmel tanulsz, kényszer nélkül, de napi szinten foglalkozol az angollal.
Alap pszichológiai tétel, hogy nem tudsz egyszerre stresszelni és örülni, így ha már fáradt vagy, mindenképp tarts szünetet és utána folytasd. - Ha már úgy érzed, elégszer nézted meg a videókat, fogj egy papírt és tollat, vagy ha ragaszkodsz a gépeléshez, akkor egy Word doksit, írd le sztorit, sztorikat fejből, amire emlékszel.
Ha már többször megnézted, emlékezni fogsz a teljes sztorira. Ha mégsem, ne izgulj, nézd meg még többször, és ismételd meg az előző feladatot.
Ne feledd ez nem teszt vagy vizsga, hanem tanulás. Végezd a feladatot addig, amíg nem tudod leírni a teljes sztorit, sztorikat.
Haladj egyenként a videókkal. - A videók alatt megtalálod a sztorik leiratát.
Kattints a zöld ikonra és megnyílik. Ha készen vagy a videóval, kattints oda és ott látni fogod a teljes történet anyagát.
Amit a videóban hallottál, el tudod olvasni. Ne ezzel kezdd, hanem a videókkal.
A nyelvi készségek sorrendjében haladj: hallás-értés, beszéd, olvasás, írás. Így lesz eredményes a tanulás.
A négy nyelvi készség oda-vissza támogatja egymást. - Ezek után ismételheted a fenti pontokban leírt feladatokat annyiszor, ahányszor jól esik. Minél többször ismétled, annál hatékonyabban sajátítod el a tananyag sorozatot.
- Magyar-angol, angol-magyar szótárt, fordítót ne használj egyáltalán nyelvtanuláshoz, azzal konkrétan belerondítasz a nyelvtanulásodba és hátráltatod önmagad.
Ezeket nyelvtanuláshoz el kell felejteni ezért örökre. Visszatartod az angolul való gondolkodásod kialakulását, ami kell a nyelv elsajátításához, folyékony beszédhez.
A fordítás nem a nyelvtanulás része.
A videók kézen fogva, lépésről-lépésre vezetnek végig a témakörökön. Ha tanultál már angolt, nagyon könnyen meg fogod érteni és elsajátítani.
Ha viszont mindenképpen meg szeretnél nézni valamit, akkor egynyelvű szótárt használj. - Nyugodt környezetben tanulj, egy normális méretű számítógépről.
Zajmentes környezetben legyél, ne legyen semmilyen zaj körülötted, ha ez nincs így a tanulás nem lesz hatékony, vagy nem lesz olyan hatékony, mint ahogy azt várod.
Például otthon a szobában, zajmentesen ideális a tanulás. Érdemes egy olyan eszközről tanulni, amin jól látod a videókat.
Ne azzal menjen az idő, hogy kényelmetlenül érzed magad, mert kicsi az eszköz amiről tanulsz, nem látsz valamit rendesen.
Ezért nem javasolt például telefonról tanulni.
Te döntesz. Ha a leírtakat betartod, és felkészülsz előtte, akkor sok időt megspórolsz tanulás közben. A videók elsajátítása minimum egy hét, de ez lehet kevesebb is, és több is.
Ha betartod az itt leírtakat, akkor nyilván gyorsabban és hatékonyabban megy a tanulás. - Ezekkel a videókkal megtanulhatod, hogyan kell angol nyelvet tanulni.
A videók speciálisan magyar nyelvtanulóknak készültek, magyar nélkül.
Azért, hogy az angol nyelvet tanuld izgalmasan, érdekesen a magyar, fordítás, magolás helyett, melyek hátráltatnak a nyelvtanulásban. Sokkal színesebb, érdekesebb így tanulni, mint görnyedni egyedül a szótárfüzet mellett és magolni a szavakat, aminek eleve nincs értelme, mert szavakat nem lehet úgy tanulni, ráadásul csak az időd megy vele, de a nyelvet nem tanulod. A nem vagy egyedül, veled vagyok végig.
Itt megtalálod ezt az útmutatót pdf formájában, mától a tiéd.
Le tudod tölteni és akár magad mellé tenni tanulás közben. Érdemes többször végig olvasni.
Ha szeretnéd élőben is megtapasztalni mi az élvezetes nyelvtanulás, tanfolyamokkal kapcsolatban vedd fel velem a kapcsolatot itt: .
További sok sikert, jó tanulást neked. 🙂 Használati útmutató letöltése itt.
It is Jane. Jane’s an office manager and she likes her job very much. She has seven colleagues. She has a dress code at her workplace. She works at her company throughout the year. The calendar shows the months of the year. During a year there are 365 days. A year is twelve months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. It is from January to December. A year that has 366 days is a leap year. A season is one of the four periods of the year. We have four seasons: summer from June till August, autumn or fall from September till November, winter from December till February, and spring from March till May. This is Jane’s favourite season. Jane also loves holidays. The biggest are Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Easter. Her favoured one is Christmas because her family comes together every year.
What is Jane’s favoured season? What does she usually do during it? Does she have a favourite leisure activity? What does she do during the weekend? Can she swim? Can she ride the horse? Does she live in a house or a flat?
To be continued… Watch and learn the next video!
Jane works more in autumn in her office with her colleagues, Harry and George since she doesn’t go on holiday. The weather in September, October, and November are autumnal. The weather begins to get colder or cool, often cloudy. It rains a lot. The wind blows. She usually wears a jacket and jeans and also she should take her umbrella with her very often. She keeps it in her handbag. The leaves are falling from the trees and change from green to red, orange, yellow, or brown. Sometimes you can see squirrels in the trees. Jane loves squirrels. Many birds migrate south to warmer climates for the winter. White stork and swallow for example. We harvest pumpkin, corn, grapes, apples, pears, walnuts. She can see a lot of haystacks, sunflowers, wheat. Wheat is ripe and ready to harvest. There comes the harvester. Jane goes to the forest to walk, relax and take some photos. She can see acorns, owls, mushrooms, squirrels, crows, and sometimes bats in the forest. Children are having fun jumping in the leaves outside. It is often foggy in autumn. Jane is cold because the weather is cold. Since she has a garden, Jane likes sitting in it if the weather is good. She also does some gardening. She prepares for the winter. She works with gloves. She puts some birdhouses in the trees for the birds for the winter. She prunes the trees and flowers with pruners. She likes sitting in her garden because the city is full of smog. She prefers nature to a crowded city.
Does Jane like winter and cold weather? What is her favourite winter sport? Does she like the end of the year?
To be continued… Watch and learn the next video!
The season between winter and summer is spring. The time when it is spring is springtime. If the weather is what you would expect in spring, it is springlike. On a springlike day, Jane loves walking in the park or forest. She loves spring because the weather is getting better, the air is fresh. The flowers and trees are blooming in spring, for example, daffodils, tulips, magnolia, hyacinth, forsythia. Other plants begin to sprout. The grass is growing. Jane likes hiking very much. She goes to the mountains every second week in springtime. She can see butterflies, cute ladybirds, mushrooms. Also, she can see different birds like a tit, blackbird, robin. White storks, swallows, and some other birds come home in spring. They build a nest. Chick hatch from the eggs. Bees fly from flower to flower. You can see rainbows in the sky. Jane does spring cleaning and invites her friend to help. Her friend, Judy is happy to help her. They clean the hall. They clean the kitchen. They clean the living room. They clean the study room together. They clean everything in the house. After this Jane invites her friend to a restaurant to have lunch. Jane is grateful to Judy for her help. They also love going on a picnic in spring. Easter is in spring. Jane likes Easter as well. At Easter people put eggs in a basket. People decorate Easter eggs at home. More symbols of Easter are the Easter bunny, young sheep, chick. Jane enjoys Easter with her family.
So the conclusion is that Jane likes all the seasons. She enjoys something in all of them. There is beauty in everything. She enjoys life. She is an intelligent and lively young woman. You will meet Jane later in the future. Stay tuned. The end.
So she is Jane. She is an office manager. She is 32. Her hobby is swimming and riding a horse. She is Irish so she comes from Ireland. Currently, she is living in Hungary. She has a cat called Manfred and she lives in a house. She loves summer because the weather is sunny and hot. Summer is the warmest season of the year between spring and autumn. This is her favourite season. She prefers summer to winter. People love spending time at the beach. In summer Jane always goes to the beach. She takes her cat, Manfred with her. She usually buys everything online. She usually buys her airplane tickets and books her hotel room online with a bank card. She also buys some things for her holiday. She can easily use her smartphone for that. She likes walking at the sunset and watching the sunrise in the morning. She used to spend more time on the beach when she was a child. She used to dive. Nowadays she swims a lot in her favourite swimsuit. Swimming is very fun for her. Sometimes she goes running or cycling on the beach. She also likes travelling by cruise ship. During her holiday she often goes shopping in the city. She takes photos with her camera or smartphone. She wears sunglasses in the city. She buys presents, souvenirs for her family and her friends. If she gets tired she sits in a restaurant and eats her favourite food. Sometimes the waiter serves the food. She likes eating spaghetti, hamburger, French fries, pizza, cake, doughnuts, hotdogs. After having lunch she usually drinks a cup of coffee. Also if she is in the mood she surfs on the internet on her tablet. She pays with her bank card when she leaves the restaurant. She loves summer because the weather is sunny and hot. This is her favourite season. She prefers summer to winter. She loves midsummer when the days are long. She loves warm weather but sometimes it is hard for her if it is too hot because she can hardly breathe. She loves summer vacation. Luckily there is a gentle breeze on the beach, just enough to cool her. She can lie on a beach chair and have a suntan. Suntan lotion protects her skin from the sun. She can sit under a beach umbrella and have ice cream. Naturally, Jane doesn’t have a summer vacation all summer she also works in her office and spends time with her friends, family, and Manfred.
What does Jane do in autumn? Does she like autumn? Does she do any sports in autumn? Is she at home or does she go out with friends?
To be continued… Watch and learn the next video!
Winter is the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring. The time when it is winter is wintertime. It usually snows and it is usually cold. Jane loves winter because of snow, especially snowflakes, but she doesn’t always like the cold weather. On hot days she drinks hot coffee or hot tea at home. She sometimes builds a snowman with her friends’ children. She wears snow boots, a winter coat, a wolly hat, a scarf, and gloves. She has ice skates. She frequently goes ice-skating. She ice skates on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. She can see lots of icicles all around. Jane loves Christmas. She is with her family at this time. They sit near the fireplace, decorate the Christmas tree together, and unwrap Christmas presents. They have Christmas dinner together on Christmas Eve. Before Christmas Jane has a Christmas party in the office with her colleagues. At Christmas time she goes out to enjoy the snow with her family, they also go sledding. They celebrate New Year on New Year’s Eve. They watch the fireworks and drink champagne, and wish each other a Happy New Year.
In the next episode… Does Jane like spring? What does she do in spring? Does she like hiking? Does she do spring cleaning? To be continued… Watch and learn the next video!
Hello! Your friend is here. This is Jane again. Jane loves being in nature. When it is a sunny day, Jane wears sunglasses. Today is a sunny day so Jane is wearing sunglasses as she is enjoying summer. She went camping with her friends in the mountains last Sunday. They go camping every month. It was a sunny and hot day and she enjoyed it very much. They ate, drank and walked a lot in the forest, and in the mountains. During the year the weather is sometimes cloudy or partly cloudy with or without rain. This is a cloud and this is the Sun. When it’s a colder day or it’s very cold, Jane wears warmer clothes: a pullover, trousers, a winter jacket. She always buys new winter clothes every year. Jane doesn’t like cold weather. If it rains, she always brings her umbrella to her workplace. She often wears her raincoat as well. Sometimes it is windy as well. Jane usually wears a scarf and a winter hat. When there is a thunderstorm, Jane stays at home. She is afraid of it. Thunderstorms consist of lightning, thunder, and rain. Jane doesn’t like thunderstorms but she loves rainbows. Rainbow can come after rain, especially in the summer. In winter it is sometimes so cold, that icicles appear everywhere. Jane loves them since they look wonderful. It often snows in winter. During wet or snowy weather, snow boots are worn to keep the foot warm and dry. Jane wears them in winter. She builds a snowman with her friends outside. Also, it is often foggy in autumn and winter. Jane gets cold or flu a minimum of twice a year. She usually coughs and sneezes. She cures herself with hot tea. She puts lemon, honey, or ginger in her tea. If she has a fever, she goes to her family doctor to get some pills, antibiotics. The doctor prescribes her some pills. She will take the pills the doctor prescribes. Then she goes home. She stays in bed. She drinks tea from her favourite tea mug. She has a teapot on her bedside table. She loves eating fruits as well. It is very healthy and makes her stronger as well. When she has the flu, she eats even more of them. She eats a banana, grapefruit, apple, orange, pear. After some days she is completely well. She is much healthier than before. This has been Jane’s new story. What about you? What’s your favourite season? What type of weather do you like? What do you like eating? What’s your hobby? Answer these questions! Bye-bye!
AngolFalat nyelvi videó sorozat
Egy falatnyi angol minden nap a társalgási szint eléréséhez!
Téma: angol nyelvtan és szókincs minden mennyiségben.
What can you do at a BBQ party? What are Jane and her friends going to do at their barbecue party? They are going to eat and drink. They are going to drink juice and wine as an example. They are going to dance happily. They are going to shake hands with friends and colleagues and talk a lot. They’re going to laugh a lot. They’re going to drink juice and wine together. The barbecue party will be in her garden. She has a white fence around her garden. She has just bought a blue sunshade. She bought it a week ago. She has a brand new garden table as well. She bought it a month ago with two big grills. She is ready to have a grill party with her friends and colleagues. Before that, you have to prepare everything. Let’s see what we have! Jane has just bought some barbecue accessories. She has barbecue forks, a spatula, knives, a barbecue basket, a chef hat, an apron, skewers, tongs, and a food tray. They will buy fresh food one day before the party. They are going to buy chicken meat for roasted chicken, red meat for the steak. They’re going to eat shashlik, sausage, bread, and bacon as well. They’re going to drink orange juice, wine, and beer. Jane and her friends are going to have new clothes for the party. They went to a boutique yesterday to buy new clothes. Jane paid by card. They are also going to clean the house before the party. In the evening they are going to have a surprise programme. What kind of programme are they going to have? Stay tuned! To be continued.
1. What can you do at a BBQ party?
2. What are Jane and her friends going to do at their barbecue party?
3. Are they going to eat and drink?
4. Are they going to drink juice and wine?
5. Are they going to dance?
6. Are they going to work?
7. Where will the barbecue party be?
8. Are they going to laugh a lot?
9. What has Jane just bought for the party?
10. Where did they go yesterday?
11. What did they buy yesterday?
12. How did Jane pay?
13. What are they going to have in the evening?
- Who is going to have a barbecue party?
- Who is going to dance happily at a barbecue party?
- Who has bought a brand new garden table?
- Who will buy fresh food one day before the party?
- Who is going to drink orange juice, wine, and beer?
- Who is going to have new clothes for the party?
- Who paid by card at the clothes shop?
- Who is going to clean the house before the party?
- Who is going to have an evening surprise programme?
1. Are Jane and her friends going to go to a barbecue party or a wedding?
2. Are Jane and her friends going to eat, drink or work there?
3. Are they going to drink juice and wine together or are they going to drink milk together?
4. Will the barbecue party be in Jane’s garden or will it be in the park?
5. Has Jane got a white fence around her garden or has she got a black fence around her garden?
6. Has she just bought a new sunshade or a new sunbed?
7. Is her new sunshade blue or red?
8. Will they buy fresh food one day before the party or will they buy fresh food two days before the party?
9. Did they buy any new clothes yesterday or did they buy any sports equipment yesterday?
10. Are they going to clean the house before the party or are they going to clean the house after the party?
Ask me if Jane and her friends are going to have a barbecue party.
Ask me what they are going to do at their barbecue party.
Ask me if they are going to eat and drink at their barbecue party.
Ask me if they are going to dance happily at their barbecue party.
Ask me if they are going to work at their barbecue party.
Ask me if their barbecue party will be in Jane’s garden.
Ask me where the barbecue party will be.
Ask me if she has a white fence around her garden.
Ask me what she has got around her garden.
Ask me if she has just bought a blue sunshade.
Ask me what she has just bought.
Ask me if she bought it a week ago.
Ask me when she bought it.
Ask me if she has a brand new garden table.
Ask me what new furniture she has.
Ask me if she bought it a month ago.
Ask me when she bought it.
Ask me if she bought one grill.
Ask me if she bought two grills.
Ask me if Jane is ready to have a barbecue party.
Ask me what barbecue accessories Jane has.
Ask me what food they are going to buy.
Ask me what food they are going to eat.
Ask me what they are going to drink.
Ask me if they went to a boutique yesterday.
Ask me if they went to a car salon yesterday.
Ask me if they bought clothes yesterday.
Ask me if they bought a car yesterday.
Ask me if Jane paid by card.
Ask me if Jane paid by cash.
Ask me if Jane is going to clean the house before the party.
Ask me what Jane is going to do before the party.
Ask me if they are going to have a surprise programme in the evening.
Ask me what they are going to have in the evening.
Jane works in an office with some colleagues. They get on very well with each other. Often they have lunch together. They attend meetings as well. When the meeting is over, they work in their office. They use many types of equipment. They use types of equipment like a bulletin board, a computer table or desk, a conference table, a fountain pen, an office chair or a high back chair, a file organizer, a folder, a flip chart, a desk nameplate, office documents or files, a clock, computers, a fax machine, an executive desk, briefcases, boxes, a wastebin or dustbin, a filing cabinet, notebooks, a couch, a globe, an office table lamp, a hanging light, an office phone, pen holders, pins, stationery, a printer, a projector screen, scissors, a tape dispenser, a shelf, a board, a pointing stick, and highlight markers. During the day, they can have more meetings with colleagues from groups of other departments of the company. So they are really busy during the day. They are always swamped with a lot of work. After work, they sometimes go out to have a drink at a pub. They are going home now. See you tomorrow! Bye! To be continued.
- Where does Jane work?
- Who does Jane work with?
- Do they get on well with each other?
- What do they often do together?
- Do they often have lunch together?
- Do they sometimes have lunch together?
- Do they have meetings in the office every day?
- Where do they work after the meetings?
- What do they use for their work?
- Can they have more meetings during the day?
- Are they busy at work?
- What do they do after work?
- What are they doing now?
- Who works in an office with some colleagues?
- Who gets on very well with each other?
- Who has lunch together?
- Who attends meetings at work?
- Who works in the office?
- Who has more meetings during the day?
- Who is busy during the day?
- Who goes out to have a drink at a pub after work?
1. Does Jane work together with some colleagues or does she work alone?
2. Do they like each other or do they dislike each other?
3. Do they often have lunch together or do they often have dinner together?
4. Do they have meetings in the office or do they have meetings in the canteen?
5. Do they have one meeting a day or do they have more meetings a day?
6. Are they busy during the day or are they lazy during the day?
7. Do they sometimes go out to have a drink at a pub after work or do they go to the cinema after work?
8. Are they are going home now or are they going to a concert now?
- Ask me if Jane works in an office with some colleagues.
- Ask me who Jane works with.
- Ask me if they get on very well with each other.
- Ask me if they have meetings as well.
- Ask me if they often have lunch together.
- Ask me what they have often together.
- Ask me if they use many types of equipment.
- Ask me what types of equipment they use.
- Ask me what they can have during the day.
- Ask me if they can have more meetings during the day.
- Ask me if she has just bought a blue sunshade.
- Ask me if they are busy during the day.
- Ask me if they go out to have a drink at a pub after work.
- Ask me what they do after work.
- Ask me if they are going home now.
- Ask me what they are doing now.
Hogy tetszettek a videók? Ugye milyen sokat tanultál belőlük? Még több de már komplex videós tanfolyamot találsz az oldalon, otthoni nyelvtanulásra kifejlesztve angolul, és végre magolás-mentesen! Nézd meg itt lent az egyik rövid bevezető videót, milyen sok mindent kapsz egy tananyag csomagban. Vége a száraz, magolós könyveknek. Mától végre magolás-mentesen és fordítás-mentesen tanulhatsz angolul olyan nyelvi módszerrel, mely kompletten hiányzik a mai magyar nyelvoktatásból. Itt mindent készen kapsz, egy helyen megtalálsz mindent!
Jó tanulást! Jó hogy itt vagy!
Néhány webangolozónk és az ő sikersztorijuk
Nagyon tetszik az online videós nyelvtanfolyam. Voltak benne új szavak amiket mostanra el tudtam könnyen sajátítani. Tetszik hogy változatosak és sok dologra kitérnek a videók. Nagyon ötletes, mert nem nehéz de mégis lehet belőle tanulni. Így a sikerélmény is megvan. Ugyanez a szuper élményem van a Webangolive élő, online nyelvórákon is!
Ritának köszönhetően 1 év alatt többet fejlődtem , mint 11 év alatt. Szeretem, hogy többen vagyunk az órákon, mert minél többször hallok egy-egy feladatot, annál jobban rögzül a fejemben.
Most úgy érzem, hogy elkezdtem fejlődni. ez annak köszönhető, hogy Rita óráink csak és kizárólag angolul kimminikálunk nincs szómagolás és a nyelvtant is beszéden keresztül vesszük át.
Összefoglalva mit kaptam eddig a tanfolyamtól: Önbizalmat, megtanultam, hogy mindent el lehet mondani a meglévő nyelvi eszközeinkkel, megtanultam nyugodtnak maradni és gondolkodni, hogy tudom magamat kifejezni angolul. A legfontosabb, hogy ebben a másfél órában nem járnak magyar gondolatok a fejemben.
Itt tudod felvenni velem a kapcsolatot! Kattints a linkre és írj!